The Clara Barton Museum Blog


Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Artifact Series – Socks!

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When Clara Barton left 488 7th Street NW (now 437 7th Street NW) for Europe in 1869, she left many of her possessions behind in the care of her friend and landlord, Mr. Edward Shaw. Some items are intriguing, others commonplace, and still more just plain odd. Socks found in the attic […]

Artifact Series – Bayonet

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Bayonet found in the attic of the CBMSOProperty of U.S. General Services Administration This is a bayonet from an 1853 Enfield rifle, one of the most common rifles used during the American Civil War. A bayonet, though designed to act as a spear blade, had many uses outside of combat. Soldiers during […]


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Hello, and welcome to the new official blog of the Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office, one of the newest museums opening up in Washington, DC. Clara Barton’s sign, which was found in the attic of 437 7th Street NW. We picked the name “Clara Barton: More Than Just A Nurse” because that […]


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One basic rule of business is to network – make connections – with people that are peers, suppliers, in the non-profit world, potential funders, and fans to use when necessary to grow. If a positive personal relationship is developed, one can usually barter for what they need – a productive symbiotic relationship […]

Bully For Clara?

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Recently it is reported in the news that workplace bullying is a reality, viz. a report that found that a former lineman for a professional football team was bullied by coworkers with the full support of the coaching staff.  The man accused of bullying the lineman claims that what happened was not bullying but a method of toughening […]

A Little Miscommunication: Three Cheers for Barton

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A Little Miscommunication: Three Cheers for Barton

In 1882, a veteran’s reunion group asked Clara Barton to come speak at an event.  At this time strong lobbying efforts for women’s rights by Susan B. Anthony and her followers obviously annoyed some men.  According to Barton, the group reassured their membership stating, We can promise our citizens a rare treat of […]

Barton Hall of Fame Nominee Lucy Stone

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Barton Hall of Fame Nominee Lucy Stone

While considering how to convey the suspected reasoning behind Clara Barton’s nomination of Lucy Stone Blackwell, the best short phrase that keeps coming to mind is “The Original American Women’s Libber.” During my vetting process, one article on Stone-Blackwell states, “Stone was known for using her maiden name after marriage.” Unlike some of the other […]

To Write Or Not To Write

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To Write Or Not To Write

It seems most would agree that to make a reputation as an influential professional historian, one must write and publish not only books, but all sorts of printed matter for public consumption.  Yesterday, at the main museum I noticed a new book in our library, Lincoln and Whitman, by William E. Barton, Clara Barton’s […]

Highlighting Barton’s Work

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Highlighting Barton’s Work

Clara Barton is an American Icon because of some extraordinary achievements made during her lifetime.  They were the result of hard work, but primarily born from determination and perseverance.  We can separate her work into several areas from her overall role as a pioneering American woman, primarily: HumanitarianismEducatorInternational Relief OrganizerChampion of Human […]

Christmas in Washington – Civil War Style

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Christmas in Washington – Civil War Style

Enjoy this reflection on Clara Barton’s experience of Christmas in war-time Washington from 2013.  Clara Barton spent several years in Washington during Christmas, which also happened to be her birthday.  My impression from reading diaries and letters is that although she did not dislike the holiday, it wasn’t very exciting to her, […]

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