Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
The Sherwood family story puts a face to Clara Barton’s nation-wide search for missing men. See how her findings provided comfort to families everywhere.
Learn about the disastrous first major battle of the Civil War, and how it inspired Clara Barton to care for sick and wounded soldiers.
Read about Clara Barton’s early efforts to find missing soldiers immediately after the Civil War, as her humanitarian efforts changed to meet a new need.
We know today that Clara Barton was an incredible humanitarian, but what did her neighbors think of her? Read one of their diaries to find out.
The Civil War created an epidemic of unidentified dead soldiers. Find out how the issue evolved from the then to World War I.
Learn how the heroic deeds of Dorence Atwater and Clara Barton helped identify thousands of soldiers graves at Andersonville Prison.
Post-mortem photography seems an odd custom to us today, but as historian Melissa DeVelvis explains, it was an important custom in the 1800’s.
Read how hundreds of women flirted, cajoled, and tricked men into giving up top-secret information in their role as spies in the Civil War.
From sources of entertainment to deep morale boosters, the significance of quilts for Civil War soldiers might surprise you.
Discover how Clara Barton understood the tragedy of the Lincoln Assassination and how it relates to terrible events in our own times.