The Clara Barton Museum Blog

Women’s History Wednesday: Florence Nightingale

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It’s ‪#‎EmergencyNursesDay‬ and ‪#‎WomensHistoryWednesday‬, and we’re thinking about Florence Nightingale.

A painting depicting Florence Nightingale

The “Lady with the Lamp” was one of the founding figures in battlefield nursing. While Clara Barton is known as the “Angel of the Battlefield,” Florence Nightingale is known as a “Ministering Angel,” which Nightingale called “all that Ministering Angel nonsense.” We wonder if Clara felt similarly about the title “Angel of the Battlefield.” Like Clara, Nightingale’s influence went far beyond her war work.

To learn more:

  • Listen to this podcast
  • Explore this timeline
  • If you’re in England, visit the Florence Nightingale Museum




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