Events at the Clara Barton Museum

Seeking Asylum

Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum 437 7th Street NW, Washington, United States

Historian Craig Swenson will discuss the turbulent process of securing medical care for mentally ill African Americans after the Civil War.

Memorial Day Weekend

Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum 437 7th Street NW, Washington, United States

As we commemorate Memorial Day weekend, tour the Missing Soldiers Office.

Independence Day

Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum 437 7th Street NW, Washington, United States

Celebrate the 4th of July by celebrating the men and women that helped shape this nation through service and sacrifice.

Clara Barton’s Associates

Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum 437 7th Street NW, Washington, United States

Clara Barton worked tirelessly to help soldiers and their families before and after the American Civil War … but she didn’t do it alone.

Women Soldiers

Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum 437 7th Street NW, Washington, United States

Over 400 women disguised themselves as men and fought in the Civil War. They stood side by side with male soldiers. Learn their stories.

A Civil Life in an Uncivil Time

Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum 437 7th Street NW, Washington, United States

Join us at the Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office on Thursday, December 14 at 6 PM as author Paula Tarnapol Whitacre discusses her research into the Civil War experiences of Julia Wilbur.

Clara Jones: A Forgotten Civil War Nurse

Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum 437 7th Street NW, Washington, United States

Discover the story of Clara Jones whose remarkable war-time experiences included assisting the wounded on a hospital ship, in Alexandria, and at Gettysburg between work as a full-time teacher.

Section 27: Separated at Death in Arlington

Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum 437 7th Street NW, Washington, United States

Uncover the history of Arlington National Cemetery's historic Section 27 and what it tells us about race and healthcare during the 19th century.

Special Exhibition – “War On Our Doorsteps”

Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum 437 7th Street NW, Washington, United States

Relive the exhibition of Alexander Gardner's photographs taken on Antietam battlefield in September 1862 at the Missing Soldiers Office in 2018.

Special Exhibition – “War On Our Doorsteps”

Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum 437 7th Street NW, Washington, United States

Relive the exhibition of Alexander Gardner's photographs taken on Antietam battlefield in September 1862 at the Missing Soldiers Office in 2018.

Special Exhibition – “War On Our Doorsteps”

Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum 437 7th Street NW, Washington, United States

Relive the exhibition of Alexander Gardner's photographs taken on Antietam battlefield in September 1862 at the Missing Soldiers Office in 2018.

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